Frequently Asked Questions
What is SlipStitch Studio?
SlipStitch Studio is an experiential gallery that focuses on the interconnection between artists and audiences. We offer artists monthly representation in the PNW and collaborative installations to create unique, tailored events based on their expression.
Where are you located?
SlipStitch Studio is located in the Pioneer Square District of Seattle, WA.
Is SlipStitch Studio legit?
SlipStitch Studio Inc. is an S-Corp registered, trademarked,
and insured in Washington State.
What is the Studio/Artist arrangement?
SlipStitch Studio will establish an artist contract specifying
the terms and conditions during on-boarding.
What are your operating hours?
What is the cost of admission?
General admission is free during public operating hours.
Please see our Events page for more information regarding
our ticketed events.
Where can I find SlipStitch Studio on Social Media?
Instagram: SlipStitchStuWa
Facebook: SlipStitchStudioWA
TikTok: SlipStitchStu.WA
Twitter: SlipStitchStu.WA
How do I arrange for a group visit tour?
Don't hesitate to get in touch with the gallery directly
via email: connect@slipstitchstudio.com
Does SlipStitch Studio have public restrooms?
Does SlipStitch Studio have parking?
No. Public/private parking is available, and the gallery is central to all public transit lines.
Is SlipStitch Studio available for private event rentals?
Yes, please get in touch with the gallery directly via email: connect@slipstitchstudio.com
I’m an artist! Can I send SlipStitch Studio information on my artwork?
Absolutely! Please fill out our brief submissions questionnaire here.
Is SlipStitch Studio accessible to people with disabilities?
Is filming allowed in the studio?
No. Still, non-flash photography is allowed. All video or public
streaming must be cleared with the gallery prior.
I want to donate to SlipStitch Studio; what should I do?
By tickets for yourself and all your friends to our events. You can also donate to our cause by going here.